Our own sub-universe has been primarily a Father/Son universal experience from its inception. Our Mother God and the beautiful Goddess qualities have always been present, but not in the full glory and Essence of her Beingness. It is now time for the Mother/Daughter and the Father/Son aspects of the Creator to return to equal partnership. This is the wondrous evolutionary process now in progress within this entire universe and within all its creations.


All dimensions and sub-dimensions contain an infinite variety of Fields or States of Consciousness, from an almost total state of unconscious awareness of self, to the ultimate state of absolute awareness, the I AM THAT I AM of our Father/Mother God. The awakening of Self from an unconscious state of Being is one of the most dramatic steps in the evolutionary process of humankind. In order to become Self-conscious, you must become aware of what is happening in your personal world. You must sharpen your thinking process and learn to live in the moment or the NOW as it has been called. In order to gain experience and wisdom, you must think about what you want to remember, what you wish to retain in your memory bank. The unconscious-of-Self person drifts randomly through life, usually not thinking of what the consequences of his/her actions will be–seemingly tossed about by the whims of fate.


You, as seekers on the Path, must be initiated into the Pyramidal functions of Light before you can be advanced to the next level of evolution; the next consciousness time cell. Human creation is only a small part of a much greater and grander creative process. That is why we have placed such emphasis on creating your personal Pyramid of Light in the fifth dimension, and why we have given you instructions in great detail as to the various pyramids of Light available to you, and the important part they play in the ascension process. You are called Star Seed for a reason, for as you return to Self-mastery, you will initiate the process of creating Crystalline Seed Life Codes, a new evolutionary process to be used in the next forthcoming Golden Galaxy. This process is a part of the Wheel within the Wheel Creative Process which we will reveal to you in the near future. In the meantime, we ask you to study what we have revealed, and endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly within your mind so that you will understand the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events that are unfolding before your eyes.

身為道途中求道者的你,在提前進化的下一個水平及意識時間單元之前,一定要開始進入光之金字塔的運作當中。人類的創造只是一個更大更宏偉之創作過程的一小部分,這就是為什麼我們如此強調要在 第五次元中創造你個人的光之金字塔,以及為什麼我們要給你這麼詳細的指導,提供給你各種光之金字塔,以及它們在揚升過程中所扮演的重要部分為何。你被稱為 星際種子是有原因的,因為當你回歸到自我掌握時,你就會開始了創建「晶狀種子生命代碼」的過程,這是在即將到來的黃金銀河中會被運用的嶄新進化過程。這個過程是不久的將來,我們會向你揭示的輪狀創作過程之輪的一部分。在此期間,我們請求你學習我們向你所透露的一切,並努力獲得我們在你的心智中, 堅穩創作的宇宙的解析圖,這樣,你就會明白下一階段展現在你眼前奇妙的宇宙事件為何。


QUESTION: “Some people seem to come into this life with obvious gifts: healing, psychic abilities, etc. How does the average person know what his/her gifts to offer mankind truly are when they are not obvious to themselves, other than a burning desire to be of service in conjunction with other Light workers?” 


RONNA’S ANSWER: “Dear hearts, there are very few people who are aware of their creative/spiritual gifts early in life. There may be an interest or desire in learning or perfecting certain talents; however, everyone I know has had to experience many facets of life, as well as many trials and tests, in order to gradually, over time, develop their talents. Although I had some spiritual experiences at various times throughout my lifetime, I did not develop an intense desire to seek spiritual wisdom until I was in my late fifties. The gifts gradually come forth as you seek to balance and harmonize the many facets of your Being. A facet of your Higher Self is always waiting to connect with you or take up residency within your Sacred Heart, and with each download of your Soul Self, more gifts / talents / wisdom will be available to you.

Ronna的回答是:親愛的,有極少數的人很早就知道他們的創意與靈性天賦, 可能會有興趣或渴望學習或精通某些才能,但是,我知道每個人都已經歷過生活的許多面向,以及很多試驗和測試,以逐漸地,並隨著時間的推移,發展出他們的才能。 雖然我在我的一生中的不同時期有過一些靈性的經驗,但直到我50多歲之前,我並沒有強烈的渴慕去尋求靈性的智慧。當你在你存在的許多面向中尋求平衡與和諧時,有些天賦會逐漸地發展出來,你高我的一面永遠在等待著與你連結,或想要居住在你的神聖之心中,隨著你每次下載你的靈魂自我,會有更多的天賦才能及智慧將為你所用。

It takes work, dedication and tenacity; however, I can attest, it is well worth the effort. We are on Earth to be cocreators with our Father/Mother God. The gifts of Spirit are available to each of us, but we must do the work and turn inward and reach outward to attain them. Beloved Michael has told us many times:”


"Eliminate those things in your life that you do not like while you are seeking to develop your talents and find your passion. If you do nothing more than become a Beacon of Love/Light, so that you may shine the radiance of our Father/Mother God out into the world, it is enough.”



  • You must tap into, develop and perfect the gifts and talents you bring forth to experience in each lifetime. There will be an emphasis, a desire or preference to perfect certain underdeveloped talents and abilities. However, you must make the effort and take the time to become accomplished in each chosen endeavor. Occasionally, a person who is well on his/her way to mastery will incarnate with certain genius abilities which he/she has perfected in previous lifetimes. This is happening more and more frequently with the old Souls who are incarnating during these accelerated times of transformation.


  • 你必須開拓、發展和熟練你所帶來的天賦與才能,以體驗每一世的生活, 屆時將會強調,渴望或偏好去精通某些未充份發展的才幹和能力。但是,你必須作出努力,並花時間去完成每一個選擇的嘗試。有時候,有人已在他/她的道途中達到精熟的地步,在轉世時會帶著他/她在前幾世已精通的某些天份能力,這在加速轉變時期,在一些老靈魂轉世的身上會發生的越來越頻繁。
  • There will be some negative traits or addictive habits which will be emphasized so that you may release, modify or refine them, thereby returning to balance and harmony so that you may begin the process of Soul expansion and Self-awareness.
  • 會有一些負面的特點或上癮的習慣將被突顯出來,這樣你就可以釋放,修正或改進它們,從而恢復平衡與和諧,使你可以開始進行靈魂擴展與自我覺察的過程。
  • There will be things you do not like or that you will have strong opinions about, things you do not approve of which can cause discord and make you unhappy or uncomfortable. Some of these will be things that you cannot change, and therefore, you must accept them and endeavor to make the best of the situation or condition.
  • 將有一些你不喜歡或你有強烈意見的事物,一些你不認同的事物,會導致不和諧而讓你不快樂或不舒服。其中有些東西是你無法改變的,因此,你必須接受它們,並努力做到最好的情況或狀況。
  • However, the most important life’s lesson is to strive to engage your Soul Self and begin the journey of reunification with the many facets of your Divine nature; all else will follow.
  • 然而,最重要的生命功課,就是要努力參與你的靈魂自我,並開始與你的神聖性質的許多面向合一的的旅程;其它的一切將隨之而來。

My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your Pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God.

勇敢的人啊,當你行經這些加速的過程, 而導致現今你的整個世界發生巨大的變化時,我們知道會有許多痛苦,不適和恐懼。要知道,我們將一同克服所有的逆境! 我們的任務是要為所有表達出要回歸和諧之渴望的親愛靈魂們開路,要知道你們每一個人都可以發揮作用。當你疑惑、需要靈感或力量時,請進入你的光之金字塔,我們會給你勇氣,給你打氣並激勵你。當你感到孤獨或不被愛時,請進到你神聖之心的中心,我們將會等在那裡,用我們的母神父神光輝燦爛的愛來充滿你!

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