你是這世界所需要的光 擁抱你的靈性道路 讓你的光綻放
is the path to your own self
你是否已經遺忘了你真正是誰?你是否困惑為何幸福如此難以捉摸? 答案就是去找到你自己,並且讓你的心對圍繞著你的世界敞開。你已經遺忘自己究竟是誰,但是你所需要找回的一切都已在你之內。你只需找到它,而這個課程將指領你這條路。
The six days of the The Path into Light®六天的浴光之路
‧透過阿卡夏密錄(Akashic Record),得到對你的生命任務之獨特洞見
10:00pm~6:00pm 共六天
地點:自在心境工作室 台北市和平東路二段96巷17弄10號2樓
地點:自在心境工作室 台北市和平東路二段96巷17弄10號2樓
Jesus: "There is no heavenly kingdom outside yourself. The key and love lie within your heart. I will help you open this door."
Sai Baba: "Perfection is within you. Recover your inner treasures. Search for qualities by which others can recognize you. You already are what you always were. Show yourself to the world."
Babaji: "There is no reason not to leave everything behind you that holds you back, that prevents you from living. If you can not overcome this on your own, I will be the bridge you can cross to set foot into a new world. Your world."
Krishna: "Life is nothing but the expression of pure joy. Being human is a dance. Begin to dance and invite everybody else to join the round dance. One day the whole world will dance and everybody will be happy. This day begins when you begin to dance."
Karuna: "Men have forgotten who they really are. I will awaken mercy in all hearts, because this will open up your eyes and enable you to lovingly perceive every being as your brother and your sister."
Gabriel: "The light you are searching for is the torch at the end of the tunnel that I hold up for everyone who wants to leave the darkness."
Narayena: "Become the river that is one with peace which inevitably takes you back to the ocean you have derived from."
Agni: "If today you decide to live, yesterday has no meaning any more."