Healing is the purpose of every lifetime, until healing is complete. Then you are free to live your lives through creation, instead of your destiny. But you are so focused on healing that you do not know how to proceed. What do you do when your healing purpose is fulfilled? While there is always some aspect of energy to transform, healing as a focus removes joy from your lives. You forget to live, to be in joy because you feel that there is a reward that comes when the healing is completed. Yet the joy you seek is there for you on each step of your journey.
The atonement you wish to create comes from your belief in your disconnection from Source, where you feel you must heal the world as you heal yourselves. While the atonement and reconnection process has been very slow, the disconnection process was sudden and instantaneous. Just as a child is suddenly thrust into the world at birth and separated from the mother, that is how you were separated from Source. As you complete each lifetime you come closer to being able to fulfill your dream of returning Home.
You believe that healing will bring you back Home and so many of you miss that energy now more than you ever have. The more the veil is lifted, the easier it is for you to recall your spiritual connections. Your longing to go Home creates a need to complete your healing mission now, to heal yourselves and humanity, so you can be finished. But you are not going Home, you are creating energetic openings for the ascension to happen on Earth. And your focus on healing is preventing you from creating joy in your life.
As healers you have come to heal the world of its pain but you have also come to show the world joy, love and peace. See the world as healed, as being open and ready for love, its energy transformed and ascension occurring. Find time for joy, laughter, to marvel at the wonder and beauty of the planet because these are all part of your healing journey. Humanity's healing also includes knowing vibrations beyond fear and you can teach this by bringing these energies into your lives. You are the healers and the way-showers, so show the world the way to joy by learning to en-joy yourselves and incorporate lighter energies in your healing work.