Beloved Ones, at the 10/10/10 and the opening of the Stargate portal, the Waves of Diamond Light coming to the Planet intensified. These have the effect of activating Higher Consciousness and increasing the Fields of Love and Peace on the Earth.
But, they are also being supported and enabled by the arrival of the Diamond Rose Crystal Children. These are the next "wave" of the Crystal Children, and these ones are born in full Cosmic Consciousness and fully awake and connected to the Spark of the Divine Light that they carry within. Their energy field sparkles like Diamonds as they seed the New Energies into the Collective Fields of Light on the Earth.
At the same time, the Indigo-Crystal Beings on the Planet are being activated and directed into the Next Phase of their work according to the Divine Plan as expressed through the Codes of Light. This is the work to be Channels and Expressions of the New Energy and to assist in creating a sustainable partnership with Nature so that the Planet has a viable future in Peace, Love and Sustainability.
Many of the First and Second waves of Indigo Beings that arrived on the Planet in the 1970s and 1980s will shift into this New Consciousness and this New Work of Love. They will fel called to work in Groups and in Projects that support the emergence of a sustainable and compassionate way of life on the Earth. This will also be felt by all the Beings who have shifted through the Indigo and Crystal stages of Transformation and are ready for the Diamond Rose consciousness of Cosmic Wisdom as expressed on Planet Earth.
This is a deeply grounded Consciousness that aligns the Soul Star Chakra with the Earth Star Chakra. On the level of the Soul Star Chakra, the Soul Akasha is awakening to memories of Who You Are and your Cosmic Connection to the Stars. On the level of the Earth Star Chakra, you are awakening to deep memories of Collective Past Lives on the Earth and accessing the wisdom of these lives from the Earth's Akasha.
Together, these two flows of Wisdom mean that you are receiving Light Codes and Information from the Highest Sources available, and you are expanding in awareness and consciousness. The waves of pure Diamond Light that enter the Planet have the effect of "upgrading" the information through New Forms of Sacred Light Geometry. These convey a new impetus to evolve into new forms of being. Beloveds, it is not surprising that you may feel exhausted and confused as all this new information flows into your Light Bodies and your cellular memories and DNA. Your mind is not able to process this information. The mind level and the mental body is given to process your present life experience and to pass this information into the Earth and Soul Akasha. The Mental Facility is limited. It is only the Higher Consciousness channels and meridians in the Light Body that you have developed in the last few years that are able to process this information in connection with your DNA.
Beloved Ones, the work of the Mind is to allow the rest of the Multi-Dimensional Body to process and lead, and to be aware of "instructions" that come from the Heart and through the Body. When you align with these instructions you will flow into Higher Forms of expression and love with Ease and Grace and Joy.