Beloved Family of Light, as you moved through the Energies of the New Year in July and the Lion's Gate in August, you experienced an acceleration of your Light Body as you prepared for a New Cycle of Evolution, Change and Growth, in preparation for the major stargate transits of 2010, 2011 and 2012. This created intense pressure for Inner Shifts and Changes, which were in turn reflected by sudden and abrupt shifts and changes in the Outer Reality that were experienced as Earth Changes and personal Life Changes.
Many of you may have experienced the termination of relationships or felt the need to move to another area or change to a new form of work. These shifts may have been made under high pressure and very quickly, or you may be feeling within you the need to make such changes in the next two months as you advance towards the 10/10/10 , the first of the major stargates.
Beloved Ones, these deep changes are a reflection of fundamental shifts in your Reality as you become acclimated to living in the Fifth Dimension, and experiencing yourself as a Multi-Dimensional Being of Light in a Material or Physical Body. New choices are being made by your Higher Consciousness in the Higher Dimensions of Light and these choices are opening new avenues of Service, Experience and Evolutionary Growth, and so you are being moved to the Inner and Outer Spaces where you will be best situated to carry out these new tasks.
How you respond to these changes is important, for it will determine the nature of your experiences in the coming Cycle of Time and Space. If you do not follow the urgings of the Higher Voice, or if you resist the need for change, then life may become chaotic and difficult. This is not a punishment, Beloved Ones, but just the tension that is set up when the Higher Consciousness and the Lower are out of alignment. This creates ripples of energetic "distortion" that manifests as chaos and incidents that are not in alignment with what you seek to manifest. The best way to deal with such energies is to seek the quiet space within your heart and listen to the Inner Voice until you perceive what is needed and required of you and what actions, or lack of actions, are needed at the time.
You will always be guided back into alignment by your Higher Consciousness. You are the Multi-Dimensional Master of Light and we ask that you remember always that the answers to all your questions lie within you in that quiet place of Infinite Wisdom within your Heart that is the Treasure of your Soul and Spirit!
Beloved Family of Light, as you deal with these intense Inner Shifts, at the same time you are also seeing great changes in the Earth herself as she expresses her own shift into Multi-Dimensional Being. The Earth herself is part of the Great Shift and She is realigning herself for her new role as a Planetary "Star", a Home for Ascended Beings of Light in Physical Form. In order to do this, she must make Herself known to Humanity as a Being with needs in the Great Co-Existence within the Web of Life. She is now in the process of reconnecting with the Hearts of Humanity through the Collective Crystal Heart Grid. She shares her needs by demonstrating what is needed to guide Humanity back into alignment with the Higher Will and Purpose for the Planet and its Evolution.
The dramatic challenges of climate and apparent "natural" disasters are the Planet's way of communicating that Humanity must align itself with the needs of the Planet. The great floods in Pakistan are a result of the ways in which the Earth has been misused by poor agricultural methods and development. The land is no longer able to absorb and drain the Monsoon rains and flooding is a result, causing much suffering to human populations. In Russia , the devastating fires contributed to intense heat and smoke inhalation problems for millions of people. These fires were also a result of poor land managementm for much of the area that had been wetlands has been drained for agriculture and development, rendering it dry and liable to burn much more easily. The natural balance has been lost and everywhere humanity is in turmoil.
Beloved Ones, these "Earth Changes" are the Earth expressing her deep need for Humnity to Reconnect on a very deep level with the Sacred Principles of Life that define the Fifth Dimension - the Connection of All Froms of Life in a Sacred Web. If the Earth suffers, then Humanity will suffer. If Humanity evolves a more gentle, loving and connected relationship with the Earth, then Humanity will experience Connection and Support from the Earth and from Nature. Beloved Family of Light, that is your purpose and your work in this next Cycle of Time. The Spiritual Evolution that you experienced was to lift you to this Higher Consciousness where you could experience yourself as Human but also as part of the Collective Creation that is the Planet Herself.